Touch was a video poem that was born from the poem and the concept of longing for touch or contact. It’s objective was to exist and grow like a seed in the imagination of the person I longed for. The footage was taken from The footage was also colour manipulated into a hazy pink and lilac. I overlaid two different footages, one where there are hands exploring touch and another that looks as the hands of a tai chi practitioner in movement. For the footage in I searched for the word ‘hands’, which is beautiful, because you can make very poetic searches on The voice was overlaid with another line of the same poem, hence the intertwined voice like an echo. The music was a drone piece by music composer Charlie Miles (mentioned above). He again prepared the melody at the end of creating the visuals and poem. The melody was then inserted in the final piece. The video poem has been published on the online magazine Datableed.

Lucia Sellars is a poet, an environmental scientist and describes herself as ‘a quiet observer’. She published a pamphlet at 18, after winning the Premio Joven Contest in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She has also published in magazines such as The Response (Fabrica Art Gallery – Brighton), Cronopis (Barcelona), Alba (London) and online magazine Datableed. She started to perform in Oxford in 2014 at The Catweazle, and was part of Poetry Can F* Off, by Heathcote Williams in 2015. Her video-poems have been projected at the Athens International Video Poetry Festival 2016 and Film Poem Festival 2017 in Lewes, UK. She writes in both English and Spanish. Her recent published piece is The Quiet Life of Walls.

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