A smoky memory of you,
silent jazz, a plume of bare shivers

Sitting on a foreign bed,
imaginery wine, soaring eagles
staring at the past, silly and content

Could have been

You are that much to me,
and I go on

I am still attached and alive,
never will I be like you didn’t take me
in my dreams – breathy, dribbling

 Vaguely I determine your shape
amidst dim hovering butterflies

 The air is thick and aimless,
I see you on my skin,
drawing near the nightfall

 Every blink of an eye creates a new moment,
a new-born silky surrender to this never-will-it-be

 And it feels so good I gape at my moonlit body,
falling, falling, ‘til the end of the endless end

 I hear

 Echoes, eagles, shivers
and I know this is an always-will-this-be.






Synopsis: This piece tells a story of letting go of the past, letting go of old dreams, hopes and illusions, of meeting oneself and admitting the present state of being and acknowledging the former form of living. It may be addressed to a bygone lover or to the child within, as the receiver prefers.

Name of director: Hanna Ojala
Country of origin: Finland
Filmmaker biography: Hanna Ojala, 34, is a self-made poet and filmmaker as well as a dance movement therapist from Finland who has finally found her way of creative expression through video poetry and is keenly learning more every day. She savors verbalizing actual events in an abstract way as well as describing the visceral effects of inner emotions – making invisible visible and visible vague. She creates all her work on her iPhone 6s including the visuals and the soundscapes, the finishing touches she gives on iSkysoft Video Editor.


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