This short melancholy poetry animation, by Suzie Hanna, is a meditation on the changes brought by ageing, on a cherry tree and reflectively on the woman who cherishes it.
The poem, by Vikki Weaver, is from ‘I Want! I Want!’ published by Cape Poetry 2019.

Directed and animated by Suzie Hanna, Character design Jude Montague, Voice Dani Limon, Piano Bob Hanna, ©2021

Vicki Feaver is an English poet who has published four poetry collections, and whose accolades include a Heinemann Prize, a Forward Prize and a Cholomondley Award.

Professor Suzie Hanna teaches at Norwich University of the Arts. She collaborates with other academics and artists, and her research interests include animation, poetry, puppetry and sound design. She has made numerous short films all of which have been selected for international festival screenings, TV broadcast or exhibited in curated shows.