Laura Frare and Mary Kathryn Jablonski have known each other for many years as artists; having met while Mary was a gallerist, exhibiting Laura’s paintings. They became reacquainted recently at an exhibition where Mary saw Laura’s film works, and immediately upon viewing them Mary –who has gained exposure as a poet – invited Laura to collaborate with her. In retrospect, the collaboration seemed imminent, as Laura’s artwork and filmmaking is lyrical and Mary’s poems are based in her artistic world. The creative process flows naturally and is richly rewarding, as each fuels the other, and the results reveal surprises never possible to achieve in working alone.

Visual artist/poet Mary Kathryn Jablonski has been a contributor at Numero Cinq magazine and is author of To the Husband I Have Not Yet Met. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary journals including Salmagundi, Beloit Poetry Journal, Slipstream, and Blueline. Her artwork has been exhibited throughout the Northeast U.S.

Laura Frare is an experimental filmmaker, and a self taught multi-instrumentalist, playing a variety of electronic and digital instruments, making audio field recordings, loops, and samples. Employing the “exquisite corpse” method, much like a collagist, she loves participating in collaborative projects with other artists. Here is a link:

One thought on “Stone

  1. So moving and haunting. I love the faint music in the background and love the last line of the poem.
    Really nice work Mary and Laura.

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